As I was standing there, overlooking the silted riverbank on which I was supposed to make the design, a flock of starlings flew over my head towards a tree in the distance. I turned back to the water; in its reflection I could see pink clouds blended into the yellow evening sky. When the starlings made their return, they appeared in the reflection as little black dots moving in mathematical waves. I wished I could get closer to it all.
I ended up designing a small wooden structure on a pier above the water. Placed on the edge of a grove, the pier is at parts sheltered in the treetops, at parts overlooking the water and the open space. There the pier becomes a terrace for me to approach the dreamy reflections of the November evening sky. Maybe some birds find the wooden scaffolding useful to build their nest.

For the scale model I used cardboard covered with epoxy and glass fibres, the water was made using melted wax and small pieces of green and blue Wasco crayons.
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architectural design
of a bicycle repair pavilion,
mentors: Lieve Van De Ginste, Trice Hofkens